Shein offers free return?

Yes, shein offer free return to US customers.
shein accept returns with postage within 60 days of purchase. Use shein return tag to mark your first return within 40 days of the purchase date, and they will cover the cost of the first return shipment!
For subsequent returns or additional returns after the first, a fee of $ 7.99 will be deducted for each return package, or you can return using your local post office at your expense.

  1. Log in to your SHEIN account.
  2. Find the order in my order, click the "return item" button.
  3. Select the items you wish to return, indicating the reasons and sending them.
  4. Print the return sticker and paste it with duct tape on the outside of the return package.
  5. Call the post office to arrange the pickup or leave it at the nearest post office. Note: The return mark is only valid for the United States.
If you have any issues, please feel free to contact with SHEIN Customer Service, Shein Customer Service :)


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